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Search For New Jobs

Monday, 2 May 2011


  1. To guarantee technical support for developing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating nutrition programmes in Nepal :
    • Develop nutrition intervention strategy and programme plan for the mission.
    • Write proposals according to the needs defined and funding opportunities.
    • Organise follow up meetings in order to define the role ACF can play in strengthening SAM management,…
  2. To continuously collect and analyse information on the nutrition and health situation in the country :
    • Work on information capitalisation and diffusion related to nutrition).
    • Collect additional data required to write complete proposals and develop a consolidated analysis of the nutrition situation,…
  3. To identify and develop the partnerships needed to implement the mission strategy :
    • To network with NGOs, INGOs, agencies, universities, research centres and other institutions (including private sector) to promote solution focussed debate on nutrition issues in Nepal.
    • Further the work completed on roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders and recommendations of potential local partners,…
  4. To ensure development of national human resources in nutrition :
    • Develop and set up a training strategy and planning for the Deputy(s) MNC and other nutrition staff and identify the external support needed and related costs,…
  5. To represent ACF at national level in nutrition and health technical meetings.

Closing date: 02 Jul 2011 — Action Contre la Faim


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